The time has come when a change is definitely needed and it’s the ideal time to put Coasters on the Coast to bed. I won’t lie letting go of this era has been quite difficult. Coasters on the Coast has brought me so much joy but there are several explanations why this is goodbye to this phase of adventures.
Coasters on the Coast has been my utter pride and joy for the past 4 years. It’s provided us both with endless incredible opportunities and I’ll forever be thankful for that. It wasn’t all about opportunities for us though as it has given us two of our best friends who we really couldn’t live without. It’s brought so many beautiful people into our lives along the way and that’s something no words could explain to how appreciative we are. It’s also being part of our journey in growing up as we’ve learnt a lot about ourselves in the meantime too.
Becoming a mother has given me a chance to contemplate what I really want to be doing as a hobby & just life in general. The content I currently share is fun and something I’ll always be passionate about. However, theme parks had become a content obsession rather than enjoyable. Admittedly, content was all I could of done last season due to my pregnancy but I want to fall back in love with theme parks for the actual enjoyment of them this season. Our content we share here is going to be a lot more equal between parenthood, raising awareness surrounding Down Syndrome & attraction-based blogs. We will always share theme park & Halloween-related content but it’s not going to be as prominent as it once was. More of our content will be through the eyes of a parenting couple too. Our dynamic has altered greatly and we now have the delight of having adventures with our baby that’s something that’s not comparable. It’s stepping into our next personal chapter whilst also continuing to create content but in a more leisurely manner than being too hard on myself to ensure days out aren’t solely based around content and more on creating memories and sharing them in a more relaxed manner.
So, what I guess I’m trying to say welcome to our new adventure. Our social media pages will stay active but under our new name that’s better fitted to us. Theme park lovers I totally understand if there is the end of your support with what we do and I do wish you well. But it’s time this area of our hobby grew up with us and we share a more homely take on content that will cover all areas of life.
Welcome to 21 Adventures…
Just a brief explanation behind our new name. The 21 stands for Trisomy 21 (aka Down Syndrome) and the adventures symbolise the journey we’re on in parenthood, Liara’s diagnosis and physical adventures at theme parks, attractions & zoos. This is our lifestyle/attraction blog instead of our exclusively theme park-based one.
I hope the majority of you will stay on this voyage!
Thank you for reading & more importantly thank you for making our Coasters on the Coast so incredibly beautiful! Let’s step into the next era of life together and go on this wild journey into figuring out life as parents!